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Smartcat is the all-in-one translation platform that combines AI translation and the world’s largest marketplace of translation resources with automated best matching with subject matter experts and an enterprise-compliant procurement system and custom, collaborative workflows.

Multilingual content delivery becomes a challenge when expanding globally, multiplying the amount of content and the number of languages. Smartcat makes global innovation and commerce possible with a Language Delivery Platform™ that makes any company into a multilingual brand at the click of a button. Smartcat’s AI-driven, adaptive translation powers a centralized content system of record. All your translations flow through a centralized hub and updates propagate across all content assets for all business units in near-real time. The result is high-quality translation that is constantly refined and improved with each translation. Smartcat offers automatic best matching with true subject matter experts from its Marketplace, the world’s largest vetted pool of language professionals (500,000+) all with an enterprise-compliant procurement platform. Smartcat offers end-to-end project lifecycle control, including granular workflow view at any step and highly customizable management preferences with user permissions for seamless cooperation between teams, translators, and agencies.

  • Translations

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