

Because of the collaborative editing and review features, content teams love creating content in Google Docs and Notion. However, getting the content from Google Docs or Notion into Contentful can be tedious. You must copy the content, fix formatting, upload images, update additional fields, etc. Cloudpress takes care of all of this with the click of a button. Cloudpress will automatically export your content with perfect formatting and compress and upload your images as assets to Contentful. You can even automate your entire publishing workflow with our API and Zapier integration. Some features we want to highlight are: - Works with Rich Text and Long Text (markdown) fields - Preserves all your formatting - heading, bold, italic, links - Exports your images as Contentful assets with the option to compress and convert them to WebP format - Handles content such as tables, lists, code blocks, and more - Automatically convert links to tweets, YouTube videos, etc., to the proper embeds - Exports additional fields and even works with relationships

  • Collaboration

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