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Effective as of 29 August 2024

Service Level Agreement


Terms not defined herein will have the meanings ascribed to them in the relevant agreement for the Contentful Services entered into between the parties (the “Agreement”) that incorporates this Service Level Agreement by reference or related service order, quote or other similar document (“Service Order”). In addition, the following terms, when used in this Service Level Agreement will have the following meanings:

  • “Registered User” means an authorized user that signed up to the Contentful Services through a Service Order to edit Customer Content or to build Customer Applications.
  • “Content Consumer” means a user who is not a Registered User and consumes Customer Content through Customer Applications.
  • “SLA Package” means the level of availability and support services that Customer selects in the Service Order.
  • “Subscription Fees” means the subscription fees set forth in the applicable Service Order.
  • “Subscription Term” means the subscription term set forth in the applicable Service Order.

1. Service Availability and Performance.

Contentful provides this Service Level Agreement during the Subscription Term as measured by automated performance tests on each of the “Service Components” set forth below:
Service ComponentDefinitionEndpoint(s)
Content Delivery APIRead-only application programming interface (an “API”) that delivers content at high volume to Content
Read-only GraphQL application programming interface that delivers content at high volume to Content
Content Asset CDNRead-only content delivery network that delivers binary assets such as images to Content Consumers.,,,
Content ManagementRead-write API to manage content by Registered
Read-only API to deliver content to preview environments used by Registered
Web editing interface for Registered Users,,
Ninetailed by Contentful Experience APIExperience API returns profiles, JSON representations of visitors and their activity, in response to events. It is an endpoint to ingest events and retrieve
Service Component Availability (defined below) shall be measured on a Service Component basis by an automated monitoring service contracted by Contentful (the “Monitoring Service”). The Monitoring Service continuously executes multiple individual performance tests (the “Component Performance Test”) per Service Component at an interval no longer than 5 minutes from multiple data centers. Any Component Performance Test that meets the “Component Performance Requirements” (defined in the following table per Service Component) is deemed a “Successful Component Performance Test”.
Service ComponentComponent Performance Requirements
Content Delivery API
  • API call that requests a list of entries on with a response size smaller than 10kb returns successfully (HTTP 200)
  • API call that requests a filtered list of entries on with a response size smaller than 10kb returns successfully (HTTP 200)
  • API call that requests a filtered list of entries on with a response size smaller than 10kb returns successfully (HTTP 200)
Content Asset CDN
  • Requesting a file with a response size smaller than 1024kb returns successfully (HTTP 200) for each of the Endpoints
Content Management
  • API call that requests a new entry on with a request size smaller than 10kb returns successfully (HTTP 201)
  • API call that requests a list of entries on with a response size smaller than 10kb returns successfully (HTTP 200)
  • API call that requests a list of entries on with a response size smaller than 10kb returns successfully (HTTP 200)
  • A request of the root document at returns successfully (HTTP 200)
  • A request of the root document at returns successfully (HTTP 200)
  • A request of the root document at returns successfully (HTTP 200)
Ninetailed by Contentful Experience APIAPI call that requests an update to a profile with events and expects a valid response (HTTP 200)
The “Service Component Availability” shall be calculated as the number of Successful Component Performance Tests per calendar month, divided by the corresponding number of total Component Performance Tests in that calendar month; provided that service issues or outages relating to any Exclusions (as defined below) shall not be included in the calculation.
Live reports of the Monitoring Service that can be subscribed to by email are available at Live reports for Ninetailed by Contentful are available at
A “Component Service Issue” means that the Service Component Availability is lower than the “Component Performance Target” (as specified per Service Component in the Service Order) in a calendar month; provided that service issues or outages relating to any Exclusions shall not be deemed as a Component Service Issue.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, no Component Service Issue shall be deemed to have occurred with respect to any unavailability, suspension or termination of the Contentful Services, that (i) are caused by factors outside of Contentful’s reasonable control, including, without limitation, any Force Majeure Event, carrier related problems or issues, or Internet access or related problems beyond the demarcation point of Contentful or its direct hosting subcontractors (i.e., beyond the point in the network where Contentful maintains access and control over the Contentful Service Components); (ii) result from any actions or inactions of Customer or any third party (other than Contentful’s direct hosting subcontractor), including any failure to comply with the Documentation, AUP or terms of the Agreement, any failure to use the most recent version of Contentful’s APIs or SDKs or any use of the Contentful Services in excess of any usage limitations set forth in the Service Order; (iii) result from Customer’s or a third party’s applications, equipment, software or other technology (other than third party equipment within Contentful’s direct control); or (iv) arise from Contentful’s suspension or termination of Customer’s right to use the Contentful Services in accordance with the Agreement; (v) Scheduled Maintenance (as defined below); or (vi) problems or issues related to Beta Services or other non-generally available Contentful features, test environments or products (collectively, the “Exclusions”).
“Scheduled Maintenance” means maintenance that is announced on (email subscription available) at least three (3) business days in advance, during which any or all of the Service Components are unavailable to Customer’s Account. Scheduled Maintenance shall not exceed four (4) hours in a calendar month. Contentful will use commercially reasonable efforts to schedule Scheduled Maintenance for off-peak hours and to avoid any Scheduled Maintenance causing unavailability of the Content Delivery API.
Remedies. For a calendar month during the Subscription Term with a Component Service Issue (the “Impacted Month”), Customer’s sole remedy will be to claim a service credit (a “Service Credit”).
Service ComponentComponent Credit Weight (excluding Ninetailed by Contentful)Component Credit Weight (including Ninetailed by Contentful)
Content Delivery API50%45%
Content Management30%25%
Content Asset CDN20%15%
Ninetailed by Contentful Experience APIN/A15% ¹
¹ If Ninetailed by Contentful is not used in conjunction with the Contentful platform the Ninetailed by Contentful Experience API will comprise 100% of the component credit weight
The Service Credit for the Impacted Month shall be calculated by:
  • Taking the sum of all “Component Credit Weights” (as defined in the foregoing table) of each Service Component with a Component Service Issue in the Impacted Month (“Sum of Component Credit Weights”.)
  • Multiplying the Sum of Component Credit Weights with 30% of the Subscription Fees for the Impacted Month. For the purpose of this calculation the Customer’s Subscription Fees shall be deemed to be pro-rated equally over the relevant Subscription Term.
  • The Content Delivery API (Service Component) has a Service Component Availability of 99.8% in a calendar month
  • The Content Management API (Service Component) has a Service Component Availability of 99.6% in the calendar month.
    Both Service Components are below the Component Performance Targets specified in the Service Order. Assuming annual Subscription Fees of $120,000, the Service Credit would be calculated as follows:
    (50% + 30%) * 30% * ($120,000 / 12) = $2,400
Any Service Credit shall automatically be applied against Subscription Fees subsequently payable by Customer for the current or next Subscription Term. No refunds will be provided in exchange for Service Credits; thus, if the Subscription Term is not renewed, the Service Credit will expire. However, Contentful may elect in its discretion to pay to Customer the value of a Service Credit instead of crediting it against Subscription Fees for the subsequent Subscription Term. To claim a Service Credit, Customer must open a Support Ticket (as defined below) within thirty (30) days following an Impacted Month. No Service Credit is available if Customer is past due or in default with respect to any payment or in material breach of this Agreement when the Service Credit is claimed.
In addition to Service Credits, in the event that any Service Component has a Component Service Availability per calendar month less than 99% in any three (3) calendar months during a Subscription Term (a “Chronic Service Availability Failure”), Customer shall, within thirty (30) days following the occurrence of such Chronic Service Availability Failure, have the right to terminate the applicable Service Order upon thirty (30) days written notice to Contentful. Upon a termination for Chronic Service Availability Failure, Contentful will, upon request, refund to Customer, on a pro-rated basis, any Subscription Fees previously paid to Contentful for the corresponding unused portion of Customer’s Subscription Term.

2. Support.

Contentful will provide support to Customer as set forth below (“Support”). Support is provided in English as the sole language.
Ticket Submission. Customer’s Registered Users may submit a ticket (a “Support Ticket”) that shall contain a detailed description of the issue to Contentful as follows:
Each Support Ticket will be assigned a unique case number. Multiple Support Tickets submitted related to substantially the same occurrence or subject matter shall be deemed a single Support Ticket.
Contentful will respond to each Support Ticket in accordance with this Service Level Agreement and will use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly resolve each Support Ticket. Actual resolution time will depend on the nature of the Support Ticket and the resolution itself. A resolution may consist of a fix, workaround, new feature request, delivery of information or other commercially reasonable solution of the issue.
Contentful may, from time to time, develop additional methods for Customer to submit a Support Ticket, and will make information regarding such methods available to Customer.
Scope of Support. Support covers (i) development and production issues for the Contentful Service Components; (ii) informational and implementation questions about the Contentful Service and its features; and (iii) troubleshooting operational problems with the Contentful Service Components.
Support does not include issues resulting from the Exclusions or code development, debugging or fixing of Customer’s or third party’s software that interacts with the Contentful Service Components. Contentful may assist Customer and its third party providers in diagnosing and resolving issues or errors but Customer acknowledges that these matters are outside of Contentful’s support obligations.
Severity Level Determination. A “Severity Level” shall reflect the urgency of a Support Ticket and be defined as:
Severity LevelSeverity Definition
1 (Critical)
  • Issues affecting Customer’s production systems:
    • Service Component down, completely unavailable, or operating in materially degraded state
    • Service Component access, data access or data entry materially impaired on more than a limited basis due to a Service Component failure or fault
2 (High)
  • Issues affecting Customer’s production systems:
    • Service access, data access or data entry impaired on a limited basis due to a Service Component failure or fault
  • Issues affecting Customer’s non-production systems (e.g. development, quality assurance, and staging systems):
    • Service Component down, completely unavailable, or operating in materially degraded state
    • Service Component access, data access or data entry materially impaired on more than a limited basis due to a Service Component failure or fault
3 (Standard)
  • Service Component operating with minor issues that can be addressed with a work-around
  • General or routine requests for assistance or information
Customer shall reasonably self-diagnose the severity of each Support Ticket (a “Severity Level Determination”) and recommend an appropriate Service Level Determination to Contentful. Customer acknowledges that Support Tickets with a Severity Level Determination of Severity 1 – Critical or Severity 2 – High can only be submitted through the web ticketing system.
Contentful shall validate Customer’s Severity Level Determination or notify Customer of a proposed change in the Severity Level Determination to a higher or lower level with justification for the proposal. In the event of a conflict regarding the appropriate Severity Level Determination, each party shall promptly escalate such conflict to its management team for resolution through consultation between the parties’ management, during which time the parties shall continue to handle the Support Ticket in accordance with the Contentful Severity Level Determination.
Contentful Support Commitment. Contentful will respond to Support Tickets based on the Maximum Response Times below.
“Maximum Response Time” means the period from the time a Support Ticket was submitted until Contentful responds to Customer. Because of the widely varying nature of issues, Contentful cannot provide specific resolution time commitments.
“Business Hours” means Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm Pacific/Central European Time (based on contract location), excluding holidays.
The Maximum Response Time to a Support Ticket is dependent on the Severity Level Determination and specified in the Service Order.
Customer Support Commitment. Contentful’s provision of Support is subject to Customer providing support and assistance to Contentful as follows based on the Severity Level of the Support Ticket:
Severity LevelCustomer Support Commitment
Severity 1 - Critical Customer’s technical team or technical personnel shall remain accessible available via ticket or web conference from the time Support Ticket is submitted until issue is resolved
Severity 2 - High Customer’s technical team or technical personnel shall respond to Contentful’s requests for additional information and shall implement recommended solution in a timely manner

Contentful is not responsible for any delays, failures, deficiencies or non-conformities with regards to Support if such delays, failures, deficiencies or non-conformities are due to a delay or failure by Customer to fully comply with its obligations set forth above. Agreed deadlines (if any) will be automatically extended by the amount of time during which Customer is not in full compliance with these obligations.


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