Using Workflows in an entry

This section gives details on configuration, viewing a workflow, task actions in the sidebar, changing between steps, and manual completion of a workflow. 

workflows in an entry

Starting a workflow 

If the “Automatic start” option is enabled, the first step will be displayed in your workflow sidebar. 

For the “Manual start” option, click Start workflow in the sidebar to initiate the workflow and move the entry to the first step. 

Changing between steps   

Once a workflow is initiated, the users with the appropriate step change permissions will be able to change between workflow steps. To change between steps, click the Move to button, or Cancel to remain on the current step.   

For each step change, users have the option to leave comments in the text field. This feature allows teams to communicate and provide additional context to a certain workflow step change.

step change comment feature

You can set up an email notification step as a confirmation and summary of the actions that were performed to selected users and teams. 

View history

By clicking view history next to the current status in the sidebar, you can view the comprehensive history of all changes in your content development at any time, even after the workflow is marked complete.

This allows you to view what has happened with an entry in a workflow and provide transparency in the process.  


Manual Completion

When your workflow reaches the last step, you have the capability to manually close the workflow from the entry sidebar widget. 

NOTE: To restart the workflow after marking it as complete, navigate to the sidebar and click Start workflow from the drop-down. 

Complete workflow

Configured Tasks in entry sidebar

The Task actions created in the workflow step will appear in the “Tasks” section of the entry sidebar. Click View all tasks to view the entire list of tasks. To mark the task as complete, click the checkmark icon in the task box. To edit or delete, click the triple dotted icon inside the task box.

workflows Task action

Canceling a workflow 

You have the option to cancel a workflow in the workflow step rules. This option allows users with permissions to cancel a workflow. Permissions to this option can be adjusted within the workflow. 

NOTE: Only space owners and admins who have permission to create a workflow can adjust this cancellation setting in a workflow.