Workflows roles and permissions

Create a workflow definition 

Only space owners and admins have permission to create a workflow definition. If you do not see this option in the upper right-hand corner of the “Workflows Overview” section, please contact your admin to create a workflow definition or request to update your permissions. 

Change between workflow steps

Only admins can adjust the step settings and move from one step to another without restrictions. All other roles can be given explicit permissions for each step in the given workflow configuration page. 

In addition to being granted moving step permissions, a non-admin user can only move to a given step if the workflow configuration allows moving only one step at a time or not. Completing a workflow has the same restrictions. In other words, a non-admin user can only complete a workflow if: 

  • They are given permission to move a given step, or

  • The workflow is on its last step (only if the workflow is configured to move one step at a time). 

Edit and publish permissions

The user or team role permissions to edit and publish entries are determined by permissions granted on a space level. 

Admins can configure edit and publish entry permissions that will apply only if the entry has a workflow on the given step. However, if the user or team's role permissions are on the space level, specifically denying the user from either editing or publishing, this “deny” permission will always override the “allow” permission. 

Cancel a workflow

Admins can cancel workflows at any step within a workflow. Non-admins must be granted permission from admins to cancel a workflow for each step. 

For example, to grant “User A” the permission to cancel the workflow on Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3, the admin must add this permission for each step when configuring the workflow. You can duplicate workflow steps to scale this process.