Unlock an account
If you enter an incorrect password too many times (more than 10 times in a row), your Contentful account will be locked as a security measure. Not to worry, because you have the option to unlock it.
To unlock your account:
1. Go to Contentful’s login page. At the bottom of the page, click the "Unlock account" link.

2. Next, fill out the form with the email associated with your account, and click Unlock.

You'll be redirected to the main login page. You should see a banner telling you an email with instructions has been sent to you. This email may take a few minutes to get to your inbox (don't forget to check your Spam folder!).

3. Once you receive the email, follow the instructions and your account will be unlocked. If, after following the emailed instructions, your account is still locked, reach out to our Support team for help.