Deleting tags

Prerequisites to deleting tags

A tag can be deleted only if there are no entries and assets assigned with it.

A public tag becomes available on the Content Delivery API (CDA) when an entry or asset assigned with this tag is published. When removing a public tag from an entry or asset, make sure to publish the changes in order to remove the tag from the CDA.

NOTE: Removing a public tag from content without publishing the changes will only remove it from the CMA, but not the CDA.

How to delete a tag

To delete a tag:

  1. In the Contentful web app, navigate to the Settings tab and select Tags. The Tags page is displayed.

  2. Optional: Search for the required tag by typing its name in the search field.

  3. Go to the required tag, click on the actions menu on the right and select Delete tag. The Delete tag window is displayed.

  4. Mandatory: Select Make tag unavailable for all roles checkbox.

    NOTE: Deleting a tag might affect access to content of users with tag-based permissions. For more information, please read Content permissions with tags.

  5. Click Delete and remove. Your tag is deleted.

Resolving issues

Deleting a tag can fail because of one of the following reasons:

  • There is content that is still assigned with the tag.

  • Tagged content was archived.

  • Public tag was removed from published content but changes were not published
    (public tag is still available on the CDA).

The instructions below explain how to troubleshoot and delete the tag.

Content is still assigned with the tag

  1. In the Content tab, filter your content by a tag(s) that you would like to remove. The relevant search results are displayed.

  2. Select all the entries or assets and click Add or remove tags.

  3. Remove the required tag by clicking x.

Tagged content was archived

  1. In the Content tab, filter your content by a tag (tags) that you would like to remove. The relevant search results are displayed.

  2. Then, filter your content by Status and select Archived as a filter value.

  3. Select all the entries or assets and click Unarchive. Your content is unarchived.

  4. Select all the entries or assets again and click Add or remove tags.

  5. Remove the required tag by clicking x.

  6. Archive the content again by repeatedly selecting all the entries or assets and clicking Archive.

Public tag was removed from published content but changes were not published

NOTE: To be able to delete a tag with visibility "Public", make sure to publish changes to an entry or asset after removing the tag from it. Only after that, delete your public tag itself.

If a public tag can't be deleted because content wasn't published after removing the tag, it is necessary to search for the content and publish the changes. This can be accomplished in one of the following ways: