Set up role for Experiences

What are Experiences access levels?

To set up user’s access to Experiences, add a relevant access level to the user’s custom role. These access levels can be set up and edited in the Experiences tab of the role editor page.

Experiences access levels

Each access level allows users to perform certain actions in Experiences.

The table below describes the available access level options and actions covered by them:

Access level

View experiences

Edit experiences

Edit experiences and patterns


Allows a user to view a list of experiences and open and view a specific experience, but doesn’t allow them to make any changes.  

Allows a user to view and edit experiences, use available components and patterns.

Allows a user to view and edit experiences, add components and patterns to the canvas, as well as create and manage patterns.


View experiences

View structure components

View basics components

View design system components

View patterns

“View experiences”

Create experiences

Edit experiences

Delete experiences

Archive experiences

Publish/unpublish experiences

Create manual content

Use existing content

Use structure components

Use basics components

Use design system components

Use patterns

“View experiences”

“Edit experiences”

Create patterns

Edit patterns

Delete patterns

Archive patterns

Detach patterns

Publish/unpublish patterns

NOTE: For a user to be able to bind content in Experiences, ensure relevant content and/or media permissions are defined in their custom role.

How to set up Experiences permissions

To add Experiences permissions to a role in the web app:

  1. Log in to the Contentful web app.

  2. Click Setting and select Roles and permissions.

  3. Either create a new custom role or edit an existing one.

  4. In the role editor, go to the Experiences tab.

  5. Select access level for the role according to the following options:

    • View experiences - Select this option to enable a user to open experiences in a read-only mode.

    • Edit experiences  - Select this option to enable a user to view and edit experiences, and use components.

      • Select components - You can limit a role to using only specific components (one or multiple). Selecting a preview URL displays the list of components available under it.

        NOTE: If no components are selected, the user has access to all components.

    • Edit experiences and patterns  - Select this option to enable a user to view and edit experiences, use components, and manage patterns.

  6. Click Create role or Save changes to apply your changes.

Set experiences permissions through the API

Experiences permissions can be set up using the Content Management API. Through the API, you can granularly add individual permissions to a role, each permission corresponding to an action as listed in a table in What are Experiences access levels.

Changes to a role through the API override this role’s setup made through the web app UI. Updating Experiences permissions via the webapp will override those set via the API.