The spaces page gives an overview of the licenses and space usage.
NOTE: For Lite platform users to view, buy or cancel a space license, visit the Subscriptions page.
Open tasks section
NOTE: The “Open tasks” section is visible when you have open tasks to complete. Once completing a task, it will be removed from the section.
At the top of the Spaces page, a summary of specific tasks that include types of spaces you can manage and spaces that require actions. There are three groups of tasks: manage your spaces during the renewal period. Assign your new licenses, and new features that you can integrate into your spaces.

Spaces table
The Spaces table provides an overview of the type of space license and the limit volume dedicated to each space.
This section provides an overview of all your current space resources.
The table lists the following:
License type - You can view the type for each of your spaces.
For Free and Lite customers, click Modify next to the type name of the space you'd like to change.A space license is what grants access to certain features and limits in a particular space. Every active space is powered by an active space license.
NOTE: When you downgrade to the Free platform, you will see which spaces no longer have an active space license and are scheduled for automatic archiving.
Environments - Indicates how many environments your space is using.
Content types - Indicates how many content types are in your space.
Records - Indicates how many records your space is using. (Records are a combined count of Entries + Assets in your space).
Warnings are displayed next to a resource as you approach your plan limits. Yellow warnings appear when remaining resources are below 20%, and for resources with lower limits (< 5) when a single resource is remaining. Red warnings appear only when you have reached or exceeded your plan limit.
Click on a column to sort the table accordingly. For example, to sort your spaces based on the number of environments used, click the Environments column. Click the column once to sort descending, and click again to sort ascending.
In this section, you can monitor how each space is operating with the corresponding plan limits and choose to upgrade or downgrade spaces.
To manage your spaces and perform actions in the Spaces table, read our page on Managing space licenses.
To add a new space:
Log in to the Contentful web app.
On the top-left of the navigation bar, click the organization name, then click "Organization settings & subscriptions".
In the top pane, click Spaces.
On the top right corner, click Add new space.
If you have an available license, you will be directed to a new page to choose a license for your new space.
If you do not have any available licenses, you will be directed to the purchasing page. You can purchase a new license.
NOTE: Only organization owners and admins can purchase licenses.
To change space license details:
Scroll to the space usage summary table and click “Modify” next to the name of the space license you’d like to upgrade.