Custom roles and permissions


NOTE: Custom roles are only available on our Premium plans.

A custom role is a space role that allows a space Administrator to allocate a set of custom permissions in the space to a group of users or teams.

Custom roles are created and managed through the Roles page under the Settings tab in the web app.

Role editor page

With the Role editor page, you can create a new role or edit an existing one. A Role editor page consists of the following tabs:

  • Role detail - In this tab you can add a name and a custom description to your role.

  • Content - Allows you to configure user’s permissions to access and manage entries.

  • Media - Allows you to configure user’s permissions to access and manage assets.

  • Environments - Allows you to configure user’s permissions to access and manage environments within a space.

  • Permissions - Allows you to configure user’s permissions to manage the space settings and API keys.

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