Reference view overview
NOTE: This feature is only available for customers on our Premium pricing plan.

When working with complex content, it can be difficult to ensure every entry you reference is in the correct state. This leads to errors when publishing everything for an upcoming release (such as a Black Friday campaign). The Reference view allows you to gather every cross-linked entry and asset for a particular entry in a single view. You can then apply bulk actions, allowing you to reduce potential errors and speed up your workflow.
These actions are as follows:
Publish — Publish all the entries and assets that make up a piece of content, like a page.
Unpublish — Unpublish the selected entries and assets.
Validate — Validate your content to make sure it passes validation checks.
Add to release — Add to release, either an existing release or create a new one.
In short, the Reference view can provide a better overview of the content that you are working with and greater confidence that all your content is published.
NOTE: Certain limitations apply — check bulk actions and references limitations in Technical Limits to learn more.
Troubleshooting references
At the moment, using the references list is best when wanting to view and publish simpler content structures. If your content is highly connected and linked, the information displayed may be harder to navigate. You may need to individually select the entries and assets you would like to publish.