Publish references

References can only be published if the particular entry has at least one linked reference. You can choose to publish every reference, or just a certain group.

Publish all references

To publish all references of a specific entry:

  1. Log in to the Contentful web app.

  2. Go to the Content tab.

  3. Go to the required entry and click to open it. The entry editor is displayed.

  4. In the entry editor, go to the References tab.

  5. In the "Select" area, click All checkbox to select all references.

    Reference view select all

  6. Click Publish all. Your entry and all of its referenced entries are published.

    Reference view publish all

Publish selected references

To publish only a group of references:

  1. Log in to the Contentful web app.

  2. Go to the Content tab.

  3. Go to the required entry and click to open it. The entry editor is displayed.

  4. In the entry editor, go to the References tab.

  5. Click the checkboxes against the referenced entries and/or assets that you would like to publish.

    Reference view select specific references
  6. Click Publish selected. Your selected references are published.

    Reference view publish selected

Contentful will check if there are any errors on particular entries or assets. If so, none of the selected references is published, to avoid any inconsistencies with your content.

Reference view validation