Ninetailed Experiences
Experiences allow you to customize and tailor the content that is served to your users. Experiences are like any other entry, so you can publish and govern Experiences using the functionality native to your content source.
Create an experience
To create an experience:
Open your content source.
Create an entry of type
Ninetailed Experience.
Select the experience type: personalization or experiment. Both experience types are based on the same fundamentals and evaluated equally.
NOTE: You can also link an existing experience.
Map components
To know what baseline content should be switched with a personalized variant, content needs to be mapped. To map your content, Ninetailed conveniently provides the Ninetailed Experience
content type directly within your content source. The mapping of a single baseline entry and one or multiple variants creates a "component" and links it to an Experience.

Baseline entry
Baseline content is content that is served to your users by default without using any Experiences. In Experiments, this is also referred to as the "control" group. This is the content that is switched with a variation when rendering an Experience to a user. Any type of content can serve as a baseline for multiple Experiences.
NOTE: Only a single Experience can be displayed in the end, which depends on the priority of Experiences.
Variant entry
A variant entry is content that is created to either test the performance of that variant or to serve a more personalized experience to your users.
Priority of experiences
A single entry (e.g. a CTA on your homepage) can be part of multiple Experiences. Only a single content entry can be displayed at a time for each component. For this, Ninetailed provides a priority feature, letting you choose the order of your Experiences on a component-level.
For each component, Ninetailed evaluates whether the user is eligible for the Experience with the highest priority (top of the list). If the user is not fulfilling the Audience requirement or is not allocated due to traffic allocation, Ninetailed evaluates the next Experience for that component.

For your homepage hero, you are running multiple Experiences:
an Experiment that is shown to an Audience with a specific UTM parameter
an Experiment that shows an alternative hero image.
In your hero component, you have set up your Experiences in a way that the "No heroes" Experiment is prioritized. In this case, if a visitor satisfies both Audiences, only the "No heroes" Experiment will be shown.
NOTE: If an Experience with an "All Users" Audience is configured to have the highest priority, all Experiences with a lower priority would not be served to anyone. It is good practice to rank more specific Experiences higher.