Cross-space references strategies

The Cross-space references feature allows you to reuse content across multiple spaces without duplicating and synchronizing it whenever an update is required.

Consider the following factors when using Cross-space references:

  • Define the purpose of using cross-space references. You need to be clear on why this feature is important for your organization, and plan accordingly.
    We recommend using Cross-space references to:

    • increase content reusability and reduce custom-built solutions.

    • enhance consistency across your organization.

    • provide granular access to shared (global) content to prevent undesired changes from affecting the quality and consistency of shared content. 

  • Determine what will be shared across your organization to avoid duplication of data in each space.
    The most common reusable content and components across different channels, business units, markets, and regions are:

    • headers and footers

    • navigation menu 

    • legal content (T&C) 

    • product catalog

    • design components. 

NOTE: Depending on your unique organizational needs, you might have different content and components to share across the organization.

  • Define clearly which teams will use the shared content from your platform spaces.
    It’s important to have the right users access platform spaces. Those who need to work with shared content need at least read permission in their space role. For more information about how to set up permissions, see Roles and permissions for Cross space references.

  • Define roles and permissions in the new setup of your organization.
    Make sure only responsible people in the source spaces have editing access to the shared content. 

  • Test and iterate in non-master environments before moving your model to production.

  • Document examples and best practices.
    Include them in your organisation's documentation system to help users understand how, why and where you are using the Cross-space references feature.

  • Monitor content reusability in your organisation.
    Actively check for duplicated content across spaces to avoid potential inconsistencies, and improve content reusability.