Glossary for embargoed assets

NOTE: The Embargoed assets feature is only available on specific plans. Reach out to your Sales representative for more information about feature availability.

In this article, we explain the definition of the essential components and terms related to the feature:

Secure Asset Delivery Network (ADN)

A CDN service that serves requests for embargoed asset URLs. Requests to this service require a valid, signed embargoed asset URL. The domain is one of:(images,assets,downloads,videos)

Public Asset URL

An asset URL referencing the public Asset Delivery Network service. Example:<spaceid>/<assetId>/<random>/<filename>

(Unsigned) Embargoed Asset URL

An asset URL referencing the Secure Asset Delivery Network. Example:<spaceid>/<assetId>/<random>/<filename>

Signed Embargoed Asset URL

An embargoed asset URL that you have signed. It must include valid policy and token query parameters. Example:<spaceid>/<assetId>/<random>/<filename>?policy=<policy>&token=<token>

Asset Key

Contains a secret and policy, allowing you to sign an unsigned embargoed asset URL for a particular space. An asset key can only be created with an authorized Contentful API call.


A secret that you can use to sign a given token payload to create a token.

Retrieved as part of an asset key.


A value that must be affixed to an unsigned embargoed asset URL as a query parameter, along with a token you generate, to create a signed embargoed asset URL.

Retrieved as part of an asset key.


A JSON web token (JWT) that you generate and sign with a secret. When attached as a query parameter to an unsigned embargoed asset URL, along with a policy, creates a signed embargoed asset URL.