Manage a release

Edit a release

In the Release editor page, you can select a specific entry/asset and apply actions to it according to the following options:

  • Edit Selected Entry/ Edit Selected Asset - Click on this button to make updates to the entry/asset in Contentful web app. 

  • Remove from release - Click to remove the asset/entry from the release.

  • Update Workflow state -  Click on the current Workflow state and select a new one from the drop-down.

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Rename a release

To rename a release:

  1. In the Release editor page, go to the Name field and click on the Edit icon. The Rename release window is displayed.

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  2. Edit the name of your release and click Save to apply changes.

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Archive a release

To archive a release:

  1. In the All Releases view, navigate to the required release.

  2. Either click on the actions menu in the release card (when in cards view) or select the checkbox (in the list view), then click Archive. Your release is archived.

NOTE: Archiving a release won’t archive the content in it.

Delete a release

To delete a release:

  1. In the All Releases view, navigate to the required release.

  2. Either click on the actions menu in the release card (when in cards view) or select the checkbox (in the list view), then click Delete. In the dialogue window that appears, click Delete release to confirm. Your release is deleted.

    Launch Manage release

NOTE: Deleting a release won’t delete the content in it.