Create an environment alias
To create an environment alias in the web app:
Log in to the Contentful web app.
In the upper right corner, click Settings and select Environments. The “Environments” page is displayed.
Click Add environment alias. The “Add environment alias” window is displayed.
In the Alias ID field, enter a custom ID for your environment alias.
Important! The first environment alias that is created in a space is assigned a default ID “master”. This ID cannot be changed, and the master alias cannot be deleted.
NOTE: An environment alias ID is used to refer to the environment alias in the API.
NOTE: For ID, use only letters, numbers, underscores, dashes, and dots.
5. Under the Target environment field, select an environment to be the target environment of the environment alias you’re creating.
6. Click Add environment alias. A new environment alias is created.

NOTE: To learn how to change the target environment of the environment alias, refer to Change target of the environment alias.