Editable patterns

What are editable patterns?

By design, a pattern is a fixed layout and can be edited only in the pattern editor. In the context of an experience, an editor can only update pattern content properties and not its design properties.

As an admin, you can set specific design properties in a pattern to be editable. This way your editors can change the design properties of a pattern while staying in the context of an experience editor. These changes apply only to the pattern in this specific experience but don't affect other pattern instances.

You can select the properties to be edited in the pattern editor. In the experience editor, an editor can view and modify those selected properties as desired - for example, change layout, background color, or border:

Editable patterns editors view


  • To be able to select the design properties to be edited, you must have Edit experiences and patterns access level in your user's role.

  • A user that can view and change the selected design properties - the editor - must have Edit experiences access level in their role.

NOTE: To learn more about access levels in Experiences, refer to Set up role for Experiences.

Select editable properties

To select the design properties to be editable:

  1. Log in to the Contentful web app.

  2. Go to the Experiences tab.

  3. In the left sidebar, click Patterns and select All patterns to go to the patterns view.

  4. Go to the desired pattern and open it. The pattern editor is displayed.

  5. In the pattern canvas, select the required component.

  6. In the right sidebar, click What editors can change. The Design tab switches to the editor’s view mode.

  7. Click Select properties. The Select properties panel is displayed.

  8. Select one or multiple properties that you would like your editors to be able to change. The selected properties are added to the editor’s view. The editors can now view and change them in an experience editor.

    Editable patterns select property

  9. Click Save to apply changes to the pattern.