Content and entries

Content is the total of all entries in your space. Entry is a record that uses a content type as a template and corresponds to a certain piece of content in your front-end application.

You can apply the following actions to your entry:

  • Create new - Add a new entry based on a required content type.

  • Edit - Update the content of an existing entry. The changes are saved automatically, but don't go live until you click Publish.

  • Duplicate - Create a copy of an existing entry and its content.

  • Publish - Publish your draft or the changes you added.

  • Schedule - Schedule your entry to publish or unpublish on a selected date and time.

  • Archive - Add your entry to archive from where it can be restored if you need it later.

  • Delete - Erase the entry from your space completely.

  • Bulk actions - In the entries list, you apply actions to multiple entries at once.

You can work with content of an entry in the entry editor. The fields setup in the entry is defined by the underlying content type.

Using the entry editor sidebar, you can publish and schedule your entry, switch between locales, create tasks, view versions and entry info, etc. The entry editor sidebar has many custom options that can be selected on the content type level.

In the entry editor, you can also view the entry reference tree, taxonomy and tags by switching the tabs in the entry top bar.