Manage space licenses

Upgrade or downgrade a space (Premium)

To upgrade you must assign a license with higher usage limits to a space. To downgrade is to assign a license with lower limits to a space. Upgrade and downgrade do not affect the subscription total established in the contract. 

By replacing a license in a space with a different one, the previous license of the space in question will remain in your account until the end of the contract. You may use the license to create a brand new space or upgrade/downgrade one of the existing spaces if the usage allows.

NOTE: The process of aligning with your new contract will not impact the performance or activity of your space. No changes will be made to your space key, API keys, CMA tokens, entry IDs, or other content within the space during this process.

To upgrade/downgrade a space:

  1. Log in to the Contentful web app.

  2. Click on the environment switcher.

    Environment swithcer

  3. Click the organization name, and select Organization settings & subscriptions.

    Organization settings and subscriptions

  4. Navigate to the "Spaces" tab. The Spaces overview page is displayed.

  5. Under the Spaces table, click on the three-dotted icon “...” on the right-hand side of the space. 

  6. For the Premium platform, you can select the actions of upgrade/downgrade the space from the dropdown. 

  7. Select a license to apply the upgrade/downgrade action.


Upgrade or downgrade a space (Free and Lite)

On Free and Lite plans, you can upgrade or downgrade spaces directly from the web application. Below is the process for upgrading and downgrading your space with available space licenses. Lite plan users can purchase a license if there are none available.

To upgrade or downgrade a space on Free and Lite plans:

  1. Log in to the Contentful web app.

  2. Click on the environment switcher.

  3. Click the organization name, and select Organization settings & subscriptions.

    Organization settings and subscriptions

  4. Navigate to the "Spaces" tab. The Spaces overview page is displayed.

  5. Under the Spaces table, click on the three-dotted icon (...) on the right-hand side of the space you want to upgrade or downgrade. 

  6. Click Modify beside the space you want to upgrade or downgrade.


  7. Select the available space licenses to upgrade or downgrade. Here you can compare space limits against your current usage.

    NOTE: If you do not have an available space license, you will be directed to the purchasing flow to buy an additional one. After completing the purchase, click Modify again to assign the space license and complete upgrading/downgrading of a space.

  8. Click Confirm.

Create a new space

On the Lite and Premium plans, you can create new spaces from the web application. You can assign a space license by creating a new space or changing an existing space. 

Below is the process for creating a new space with an available space license. Lite plan users can purchase a license if there is none available.

To create a new space using an available license: 

  1. Log in to the Contentful web app.

  2. Click on the environment switcher.

  3. Click the organization name, and select Organization settings & subscriptions.

  4. Navigate to the "Spaces" tab. The Spaces overview page is displayed.

  5. Click Add new space.

    NOTE: You can also add a new space by clicking the Create a new space button in the "Open tasks" section. 

  6. If you have an available license, you will be directed to a new page to choose a license for your new space.

  7. If you do not have any available licenses, you will be directed to the Offer list page. You can purchase a new license. 

  8. Enter the name of the new Space and choose an “Empty” or an “Example” option.

  9. Click Confirm and create to add this new space. The new space is added to your Spaces table.

NOTE: Only organization owners and admins of Lite plans can purchase licenses. Premium organizations can purchase licenses with the help of Account Executives.

Delete a space

To delete an existing space:  

NOTE: Deleting a space does not cancel a space license. Lite plan customers can cancel space licenses that are not assigned to spaces in the subscription page. Cancelling a license will stop the charges to a credit card from the next billing period.

  1. Log in to the Contentful web app.

  2. Click on the environment switcher.

  3. Click the organization name, and select Organization settings & subscriptions.

  4. Navigate to the "Spaces" tab. The Spaces overview page is displayed.

  5. Under the Spaces table, click on the three-dotted icon (...) on the right-hand side of the space you want to delete. 

  6. Select Delete.

    Manage spaces delete space

  7. To confirm the deletion of the space, enter the space title in the entry field.

    NOTE: You can choose to reassign a space license after deleting or archiving a space. This only applies to active licenses. This excludes trial and expiring licenses. 

  8. Once the space has been deleted from the section, it will be displayed in the “Available space licenses” table.

To restore a space after it has been deleted, read our documentation

Contract Renewal Process FAQ

What does it mean to archive a space? (Premium)

To archive a space is to make a space inactive. This does not mean the space is deleted. Archiving a space means:

  • Your content is safe. We keep it archived in your account.

  • You can restore archived spaces.

  • Content delivery for archived spaces remains in operation for 30 days after archiving a space.

  • You can not create, edit, or publish the content in archived spaces.

To view your archived spaces, select the tab “Archived” at the top of the "Spaces" table.  

Archiving a space is only available after a renewal or downgrade to the Free plan. There will be a 15-day period to manage your spaces.

NOTE: Currently, a space remains archived for as long as your account is active. However, this retention period and the scope of its application (particularly with respect to trial spaces) are subject to change in the future. You will receive advance notification of any such changes.

Below you will find more information on the contract renewal process. If you have further questions, please contact support

Why did I receive the email “[ACTION REQUIRED] Manage your spaces…” from Contentful?

This email was sent to you because you recently renewed your contract. It invites you to align the number of your spaces with your new contract. 

Please upgrade, downgrade, archive, delete spaces as agreed during the renewal process.

I renewed the contract and switched to a new pricing version. Do I have to do anything else?

Yes. You must align the amount and type of your spaces with your new contract. You can do it by logging into the web app and navigating to the “Spaces” tab under the Organization Settings & Subscriptions” section.

Please upgrade using available licenses, downgrade, or archive spaces as agreed during the renewal process.

Can I make bulk changes of licenses to my spaces?

Currently, no. However, this feature is planned for one of the future releases.

Can Contentful manage my spaces on my behalf?

Contact support. If you need assistance with assigning licenses or using the space management screen.

How do I get more licenses?

Contact your Account Executive or support to change your contract and purchase additional licenses.

How do I unarchive a space?

After a space has been archived, you do have the option to unarchive a space by assigning a license to it if there is one available.  For more information, contact your sales representative.