
This collection of articles provides information and guidance on common administration and user management tasks within Contentful. Whether you need to update account or billing settings, manage user access and permissions, or integrate with third-party user directories, these articles cover the key areas for administration on the Contentful platform.

The Account Settings articles walk through common profile and credential changes like updating your name, email address, password, or profile picture. You'll also find directions for viewing membership to organizations and content spaces, as well as unlocking or deleting your account if needed.

The Billing and Subscription articles explain Contentful's pricing plans and subscriptions. Learn how to add billing details, change your payment currency, or cancel a space license. Also included are FAQs about migrating between pricing tiers.

The Access Tools articles demonstrate how to configure single sign-on (SSO) and user provisioning integrations using standards like SCIM. Detailed setup instructions are provided for popular identity providers like Okta, OneLogin, and Azure Active Directory.

Finally, the SCIM FAQ article answers common questions about Contentful's user management API and provisioning workflow. Whether you need an overview or specific help with a task, this collection covers the essentials of administering accounts, users, and organization-wide settings within Contentful.