Contentful Developer Hero Program

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Contentful Developer Hero Program! We are excited to have you as part of our community. As a Developer Hero, you play a crucial role in representing our brand, products, and values. To ensure a positive and inclusive environment for all participants, we have established this Developer Hero Code of Conduct that outlines the expected behavior and responsibilities of our ambassadors.

Respect and Inclusivity

Respect for All

Treat all individuals with respect and professionalism, regardless of their race, gender identity and expression, sexuality, disability, physical appearance, socioeconomic status, educational background, programming language preference, ethnicity, nationality, age and/or religious affiliation.


Create an inclusive and welcoming environment where everyone feels safe and valued. Encourage diversity of thought and perspectives.

Ethical Conduct


Be truthful and transparent in your communications about Contentful and its products and services. Do not make false claims or misrepresent our brand or offerings.


Act with integrity in all interactions, both online and offline. 


Professional Conduct

Present yourself professionally when representing Contentful at events, on social media and online platforms, and in any public appearances. Dress appropriately and adhere to Contentful’s Trademark and Brand Usage Policy.


Fulfill your Hero duties and commitments in a timely manner.


Collaborate effectively with other Heroes and Contentful employees. Share knowledge, best practices, and constructive feedback to help the program grow.

Social Media and Online Conduct

Responsible Sharing

Exercise discretion and responsibility when sharing content related to Contentful. Do not engage in harmful or offensive behavior online.

Be Authentic

Clearly disclose your affiliation with Contentful when discussing our products or services. Be honest about your experiences and opinions.


Respect the privacy of others and do not share confidential or personal information without consent.

Reporting Violations

If you witness or experience any violations of this Developer Hero Code of Conduct, please report them to We take violations seriously and will take appropriate action to address them.

Consequences of Violations

Violations of this Code of Conduct may result in the suspension or termination of your Developer Hero status with Contentful.

By participating in Contentful's Developer Hero Program, you agree to abide by this Code of Conduct and uphold the values and reputation of our company.

This Developer Hero Code of Conduct is subject to change to ensure its ongoing relevance and effectiveness. In the event that we update this Code of Conduct, Contentful will provide you with notice using the email you provided when you joined the Developer Hero Program.