JavaScript starter with Contentful

JavaScript is a scripting language that allows you to add interactivity and handle DOM manipulation for your web applications.
Clone the repository.
Install node dependencies.
This project comes with a Contentful set up command that imports the required content model and adds sample content to your space.
The command requires a Space ID, Content Management API access token, and Content Delivery API access token.
Run the following command to set up the content model.
Navigate to localhost:3000 to view the Cookbook app.
Create a new repository on GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket.
Commit the changes and push the code to the new repository.
Replace <REPO URL> with the git repository URL.
Create an account on Heroku and install the Heroku CLI.
In the terminal, run the following command to login into your Heroku account:
To deploy to Heroku, click the “Deploy to Heroku” button in the README file or use the Heroku CLI.
If using the Heroku CLI to create a new project, execute the following command from the project directory "Heroku create."
To configure your Contentful Space ID and the Access Token, run the following command:
Once the environment variables are configured successfully, push the code to Heroku to start the deployment.