The new platform: faster, easier, and friendlier
Before Contentful’s content management platform, Grupo Petersen would routinely see a loss of as many as 330,000 views from frustrating navigation when its customers accessed specific content, but those days are over. The landing page that used to be a choice between personal and corporate banking is now set up just for personal accounts, and also shows users more content and offers. Users can then click through to the corporate site or any other page more quickly because levels of complexity across the website have been removed — where it used to take four clicks to access the credit card page, it now takes one.
“With the redesign, the new distribution and architecture proposed by Aerolab made the navigation of our website faster, easier and friendlier for any type of user,” Miranda says. “This distribution and new architecture were integrated easily and seamlessly with the modular design of Contentful.”
In fact, by May 2020, during the third month of the project, Miranda and his team were already seeing the potential of this type of modular design, how flexible Contentful is and how easy it is to rearrange components on the page. This ease of use was felt throughout Grupo Petersen, as members of the banks were brought in from different states to learn how to use the new platform. “They adapted perfectly to the flexibility of Contentful,” Miranda says.
The architecture redesign resulted in increased revenue, greater engagement, repeat purchase and loyalty value. Banco Santa Fe, a member bank of Grupo Petersen, conducted a survey in the third week of implementation and 68% of users said they found what they were looking for.
Cell phones and other mobile devices are now more compatible with the new system. “We have to take into account that our clients are used to a desktop,” Miranda says, because the web experience used to not translate well to mobile devices. And their time to market also improved by the substantial rate of 500% — before Contentful, a new product would have taken 10 days to launch, but now Miranda’s team is looking at a two-day launch. “Before, every time we had to change a layout or a banner we needed a developer from the IT team, taking five to seven days. Now it takes only one day.”
Aerolab and Contentful have given Grupo Petersen the ability to scale across its entire content management platform, giving it the flexibility to reutilize everything any of the four banks need to update its individual site. The sites are also now able to adapt to any mobile device, which results in increased traffic capacity and interaction with users. Miranda and his team changed their work methodologies to create an agile process with all the sectors involved in creating content, which allows for proactive content creation.