HTMX vs. React: Understanding their strengths and use cases

Published on January 9, 2025

HTMX vs React

HTMX and React are separate frontend technologies that let you build interactive web applications, but they operate on fundamentally different development paradigms. React focuses on component-based architecture with a virtual DOM, while HTMX builds on HTML's existing capabilities. Both offer distinct advantages depending on your use case and project requirements.

This post will give you a clear understanding of both development tools with a look into their core principles, their key features, and how they handle interactivity. It will also detail a comparison of their strengths and weaknesses to help you decide between HTMX and React.

What is HTMX?

HTMX simplifies frontend development by extending the capabilities of HTML. Inspired by the principles of progressive enhancement, it takes the HTML-centric approach of the early web and combines that with modern interactivity.

Is HTMX a library or a framework?

HTMX is a library, and unlike a framework, it doesn't impose a rigid structure. Instead, it offers flexibility to developers without dictating architecture. The ultimate goal of HTMX is to provide modern browser interactivity directly within HTML with as little JavaScript as you require (if any). This reduces the amount of boilerplate code you need to write, accelerating frontend development. 

While HTMX itself is written in JavaScript, its abstraction layer hides the JavaScript logic, allowing you to build your front end entirely in HTML with extra attributes like AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets, and Server Sent Events that rely on a backend API for processing.

Use cases of HTMX

HTMX is appropriate for scenarios that involve:

  • Applications that don't require complex frontend logic.

  • Server-rendered applications where most of the logic sits on the back end and you can handle interactivity in the language of your choice.

  • Rapid prototyping or simple interactive features where a full SPA setup would be overkill.

HTMX syntax examples

HTMX extends HTML to make it interactive in ways that were previously only possible by implementing JavaScript, by introducing attributes that can handle AJAX requests, manage events, and update parts of the DOM.

HTMX AJAX request

An HTML button can send AJAX requests with the attribute hx-get:

<button hx-get="/api/data" hx-target="#content">Load Data</button> <div id="content"></div>

This button will fetch data from api/data and then inject the value into the div with the id of #content.

HTMX swapping content

HTMX can swap parts of the page without reloading with the hx-swap attribute:

<button hx-post="/data" hx-trigger="click" hx-target="#content-div" hx-swap="innerHTML">Fetch Data</button>

This fetches new content and replaces the current element.

HTMX server communication

HTMX can communicate with the server and supports GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE methods with attributes such as hx-post or hx-put:

Extending HTML with HTMX

HTMX can extend HTML by adding dynamic functionality:

<a href="/next-page" hx-boost="true">Go to Next Page</a>

This example uses the hx-boost attribute, which enables the link to behave like AJAX-powered navigation, in this case fetching the response from /next-page, without a full page reload.

HTMX events

HTMX lets you handle events (click, hover, form events) using the attribute hx-trigger:

<button hx-post="/action" hx-trigger="click">Click here!</button>

HTMX CSS integration

HTMX makes it easy to integrate CSS for dynamic transitions, such as adding a loading indicator:

Here the #loading div is referenced by the hx-indicator attribute of the #content div. The #loading div then becomes visible while the request to /fetch-data is being processed, providing a visual cue to the user while the data is being loaded.

HTMX error handling

HTMX provides error handling capabilities with the attribute hx-error for any required fallback behavior:

<div hx-get="/fail" hx-error="alert('Error occurred!')">Trigger error</div>

Writing HTMX responses

HTMX relies on the server to generate HTML fragments to update the front end. After processing the request, the server returns only the necessary HTML, which HTMX injects into the DOM based on attributes like hx-swap.

Diagram showing how HTMX handles click events and communicates with the server to fetch and update content dynamically

An illustration explaining HTMX's process of handling click events, sending server requests, and updating the page by swapping HTML fragments seamlessly.

As these syntax examples demonstrate, HTMX offers an interesting approach to frontend development by reducing reliance on complex JavaScript code, offering a back-to-basics approach. This is something that may appeal to teams trying to keep things simple or backend developers looking to get involved in full-stack development.

Benefits of HTMX vs. React

  • Eliminating JavaScript boilerplate: JavaScript developers can often find themselves writing repetitive boilerplate code for sending requests or updating content. HTMX automates these processes with simple HTML attributes.

  • Reducing frontend complexity: HTMX relies on the server to handle most of the logic, and in so doing, it minimizes the need for frontend frameworks and state management libraries.

  • Improved performance: Because HTMX focuses on minimal JavaScript and direct server communication, it often results in leaner, faster applications.

  • Simplicity: Owing to its simplicity in syntax, HTMX makes it easy to get started, which is in stark contrast to most modern frontend frameworks.

What is React?

React provides a declarative, component-based approach to frontend development. It was initially created to improve Facebook's user interface, but it quickly gained popularity for simplifying UI creation for data-heavy applications.

React is a JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces. It encourages breaking the UI into reusable components and allows developers to manage a complex state and update the DOM efficiently. React was designed to simplify creating and updating elements in response to user interaction, and the virtual DOM ensures fast updates by minimizing direct DOM manipulation.

React use cases

React is widely used for:

  • Building dynamic, data-driven web apps (such as dashboards and social media apps).

  • Creating single-page applications (SPAs) — these are web applications that load a single page and dynamically update content without page reloads.

  • Enhancing user experience with interactive components that can dynamically update content, animate, and respond to user actions.

How React works

React extends JavaScript to build interactive UIs by introducing components that manage their own state, efficiently updates the DOM using a virtual DOM, and handles user interactions in a declarative way.

JSX to HTML: React uses JSX, a syntax extension that allows you to write HTML-like code within JavaScript. The below code shows a function that returns a h1 tag with a name property, which is passed through to the component as a property (accessed through props).

Virtual DOM: React doesn't manipulate the DOM directly; instead, it uses a lightweight "virtual DOM" to track changes and then update only the parts that have changed for optimal performance.

Component-based architecture: React encourages you to build applications with reusable components (including ones from pre-fabricated UI libraries to save you even more work) that manage their own state and lifecycle, making it more modular.

One-way data binding: Data flows in a single direction from parent components to child components through props, making state management predictable.

Hooks and lifecycle methods: React provides functions to manage application state and side effects (such as data fetching or DOM manipulation) efficiently and also offers the possibility of creating your own hooks to accommodate custom functionality. The example code below shows a React component that has a state hook that updates a count variable when it's incremented by clicking a button.

Diagram showing how React manages events and updates the UI using re-rendering through the virtual DOM

An illustration explaining React's process for handling events and efficiently re-rendering the UI using the virtual DOM for updates.

Benefits of React vs HTMX

  • Improved performance: The virtual DOM minimizes expensive direct DOM manipulations by updating only the necessary parts of the interface.

  • Simplifies dynamic UIs: React makes it easier to build complex applications that update and render components in response to data changes.

  • Flexible and extensible: React integrates with a lot of libraries and frameworks, increasing the functionality and enabling developers to customize their tech stack to fit project needs.

  • Built-in features: React comes with a few built-in features that support modern web development and improve functionality and performance, such as Hooks, Server Components, Context API, and code splitting.

  • SEO friendly: With the help of frameworks like Next.js, React supports server-side rendering, which improves SEO and page speed loads.

HTMX vs. React: Comparing features, performance, and ease-of-use

With React dominating the frontend space when it comes to libraries, it can be tempting to just reach for it regardless of your use case. However, being established doesn't necessarily mean it's still the best tool (just like being newer doesn't make something an improvement by default). This section analyzes the features, performance, and usability of React vs. HTMX to help you choose which is best for your project.

Comparing the key features of HTMX vs. React

DOM updates: React uses a virtual DOM, minimizing direct manipulation of the real DOM. This allows it to only update necessary UI elements, reducing overhead for complex interfaces. HTMX directly manipulates the DOM by swapping HTML from the server responses, which simplifies the client side, but it requires careful server-side handling to ensure consistency and avoid unnecessary re-renders or conflicts. React's approach can require more initial setup and client-side resources to manage state, but HTMX’s server-driven approach can lead to increased server load and potential latency issues.

State management: React handles state on the client side, which enables varied interactivity with tools like hooks and context. If the application is more complex, then there are helpful libraries such as Redux available. HTMX relies on the server for state; this simplifies client-side logic but increases server-side complexity.

Learning curve: React requires knowledge of JSX and React's ecosystem in addition to proficiency with JavaScript, so the learning curve can be steep for beginners. HTMX, on the other hand, is easier for developers who are familiar with HTML, as it doesn't require you to have any JavaScript expertise to handle interactivity; this can be handled in the backend language of your choice.

Ecosystem and community: React is backed by Facebook (which is good for longevity and support), and it has a large, established ecosystem, including tools like Next.js and libraries for state management, routing, and testing. HTMX has a small but growing community; the simplicity of HTMX limits the need for additional tooling but reduces the availability of third-party plugins for specific use cases you may come across.

HTMX vs. React: Example comparing code syntax

Here's a simple example counter app implemented in React to help you visualize the difference; it will just increment a counter variable each time a button is clicked:

In React you have to import the useState hook and initialize it with a count variable and setCount function. Everything here is handled by the client.

Here is the same functionality implemented using HTMX:

On the server, the following Node.js code using the Express library is required to handle the /increment route:

This example shows the server handling the /increment route by incrementing the count variable and swapping the inner HTML, demonstrating that HTMX can be used to create interactive web apps that leverage server-side processing.

Here is a table summarizing the major differences in functionality between the React and HTMX libraries:




DOM Updates

Directly swaps HTML fragments in the DOM sent from the server.

Utilizes a virtual DOM to efficiently update only the necessary elements.

State Management

Relies on the server for state management; minimal client-side state.

Manages state on the client side with tools like hooks, context, or Redux.

Ease of Use

Simple to use for developers familiar with HTML and backend frameworks.

Requires understanding of JavaScript, JSX, and React’s ecosystem.


Dependent on server response time; best suited for lightweight interactivity.

Excellent for highly interactive UIs, as virtual DOM minimizes expensive re-renders.

Learning Curve

Easy for backend-focused developers; minimal JavaScript knowledge needed.

Steeper learning curve for beginners; requires understanding of React concepts.


Can become server-intensive as interactivity grows, as entire HTMX elements must be generated and transmitted rather than just data.

Scales well for complex, dynamic client-side applications.

Tooling and Ecosystem

Smaller ecosystem; less tooling needed.

Vast ecosystem with state management, routing, and testing libraries.

Client-Side Rendering

Minimal; relies on the server for rendering and updates.

Strong support for client-side rendering; essential for single-page apps.

Server-Side Rendering

Built-in with traditional server responses.

Supports SSR with frameworks like Next.js for enhanced performance.


Simpler for straightforward applications with server-driven logic.

Highly flexible, suitable for any level of interactivity or complexity.

Community and Support

Smaller, niche community; fewer third-party plugins.

Large, active community; extensive third-party resources and libraries.

Integration with Backend

Ideal for backend-driven applications, it easily integrates with server logic.

Requires APIs or GraphQL for backend integration; adds complexity.

Development Speed

Fast for small-scale projects; fewer moving parts.

Slower for small projects due to setup and boilerplate.

Real-Time Updates

Limited; relies on server responses or polling.

Strong support with libraries like WebSockets or GraphQL subscriptions.


Easier; follows simple request-response logic.

More complex; requires understanding of React’s reactivity and state flow.


Leverages HTML directly, making it inherently accessible.

Requires careful implementation to ensure ARIA compliance and accessibility.

Libraries like React, Vue.js, and Svelte, as well as frameworks like Angular, focus on building interactive client-side applications using modular component-based architecture and state management. HTMX, in contrast, is lightweight and server-centric, designed to extend HTML with dynamic capabilities. It's great for projects where most of the logic resides on the server.

Should I use HTMX or React?

As with choosing any development tool, it all comes down to the requirements and the resources you have at your disposal. Every library has its strengths and weaknesses, and it will be up to you to identify and use them to their full potential.

HTMX has been gaining popularity with developers that are seeking simpler, more server-driven approaches to building interactive web applications. If you are a backend developer with little or no experience with JavaScript, HTMX may be an appropriate choice to start building front ends since it requires minimal JavaScript. Frameworks such as Django have seen a natural pairing with HTMX due to strong community support and good documentation, although HTMX (being quite flexible) can integrate with any backend technology.

React still remains the dominant choice for building highly interactive and dynamic web applications, especially those that are expected to have a “native” feel. Its flexibility enables developers to create standalone apps, JAMstack sites, or even mobile applications using React Native. This, combined with React's extensive ecosystem and support from major technology companies such as Meta, ensures its continued prominence in the web development landscape.

For those who find React to be complex but need features that HTMX can't fulfill, there are other alternatives out there. Libraries such as Alpine.js provide simplicity for small-scale interactivity without a large JavaScript boilerplate. Vue.js is also considered a less complex alternative to React while still maintaining a comprehensive set of features for modern web development.

HTMX vs. React: Whichever you choose, focus on the user

Whether you choose to use HTMX or React, pairing it with a composable content platform like Contentful can simplify your development workflow. Contentful provides all the tools you need for content creation, management, and delivery through its powerful CMS delivered from edge locations all over the world with help from its CDN. With less backend boilerplate to write and less infrastructure to wrangle, you can focus on perfecting your apps, websites, and other channels to make sure your product always delivers. 

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Meet the authors

David Fateh

David Fateh

Software Engineer


David Fateh is a software engineer with a penchant for web development. He helped build the Contentful App Framework and now works with developers that want to take advantage of it.

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