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Google Tag Manager plugin

NOTE: To find out how to use the Google Tag Manager, have a look at our Custom Insights (via GTM) section.

The Google Tag Manager plugin sends data to a Google Tag Manager (GTM) container already present on your client-side application when an <Experience> component remains in the viewport for a specified amount of time. This allows you to forward events representing impressions of experiments and personalizations to any tags you have configured in GTM, including any downstream analytics systems you have configured as tags.


To set up Ninetailed to send events to Google Tag Manager, you need to install Ninetailed's GTM plugin.

npm install @ninetailed/experience.js-plugin-google-tagmanager
yarn add @ninetailed/experience.js-plugin-google-tagmanager

Then, add the plugin to the Ninetailed instance:

import { NinetailedGoogleTagmanagerPlugin } from '@ninetailed/experience.js-plugin-google-tagmanager';
  // ...
    new NinetailedGoogleTagmanagerPlugin()
  componentViewTrackingThreshold={2000} // (Optional prop) Number, default = 2000
plugins: [
    // ...
        resolve: `@ninetailed/experience.js-gatsby`,
        options: {
            // ...
            componentViewTrackingThreshold: 2000, // (Optional prop) Number, default = 2000
            ninetailedPlugins: [
                    resolve: `@ninetailed/experience.js-plugin-google-tagmanager`,
                    options: {}
import { Ninetailed } from '@ninetailed/experience.js';
import { NinetailedGoogleTagmanagerPlugin } from '@ninetailed/experience.js-plugin-google-tagmanager';

export const ninetailed = new Ninetailed(
        clientId: // Your client ID 
        environment: // Your Ninetailed environment
        plugins: [
            new NinetailedGoogleTagmanagerPlugin()

        // Specify an amount of time (ms) that a component must be present in the viewport to register a component view
        componentViewTrackingThreshold: 2000,

Timing configuration

The Google Tag Manager Plugin logs that an element has been seen only after the element has remained within the user's viewport for a specified amount of time (in milliseconds), determined by the value of the componentViewTrackingThreshold property on the Ninetailed instance (see code samples above). If the option is unspecified, the value defaults to 2000.

Default data layer properties

Events sent from this plugin are named nt_experience. They are sent with the following default properties:

ParameterValue TypeValue Description
ninetailed_experienceStringExperience ID of the experience
ninetailed_experience_nameStringTitle of the experience entry from the CMS
ninetailed_variantString"control", "variant 1", "variant 2", …
ninetailed_audienceStringCMS entry ID of the audience
ninetailed_componentStringCMS entry ID of the shown variant

Custom event properties

You can also define your own variables to push to GTM's data layer on each event by passing in a configuration object when instantiating the plugin. To do so, define a config object with a template property whose value is an object consisting of key-value pairs, where the key is the name of the property you want to add to the GTM data layer and the value is a string of the desired variable value surrounded by double curly braces ({{ }}).

Available properties

experience.typent_experiment or nt_personalization
audience.idALL_VISITORS if not set
audience.nameAll Visitors if not set
selectedVariant.YOUR_PROPSpecify any property key from the selected experience variant
selectedVariantIndex0, 1, 2, etc.
selectedVariantSelector"control", "variant 1", "variant 2", etc. This is a mapping of selectedVariantIndex from above.

Example custom use

This example shows passing the human-readable name of an audience to a custom data layer property titled ninetailed_audience_name. The default data layer properties are also pushed.

   // ...
      new NinetailedGoogleTagmanagerPlugin({
        template: {
          ninetailed_audience_name: '{{ audience.name }}',
plugins: [
    // ...
        resolve: `@ninetailed/experience.js-gatsby`,
        options: {
            // ...
            componentViewTrackingThreshold: 2000,
            ninetailedPlugins: [
                    resolve: `@ninetailed/experience.js-plugin-google-tagmanager`,
                    options: {
                        template: {
                            ninetailed_audience_name: '{{ audience.name }}',
import { Ninetailed } from '@ninetailed/experience.js';
import { NinetailedGoogleTagmanagerPlugin } from '@ninetailed/experience.js-plugin-google-tagmanager';

export const ninetailed = new Ninetailed(
        clientId: // Your client ID 
        environment: // Your Ninetailed environment
        plugins: [
            new NinetailedGoogleTagmanagerPlugin({
              template: {
                ninetailed_audience_name: '{{ audience.name }}',

        // Specify an amount of time (ms) that a component must be present in the viewport to register a component view
        componentViewTrackingThreshold: 2000,