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Troubleshoot connection error

After the preview URL is set up, the Experiences canvas might display a “Your website refused to connect” message.

Connection error

This can happen if:

  • Your project server is not running.
  • Your project is running on the wrong port.
  • Your preview URL is wrongly configured.
  • Your website has a strict security configuration (Security Header or Content Security Policy (CSP)), which prevents other websites from embedding it.

To troubleshoot this:

  • Ensure that the project is running and on the correct port.
  • Confirm if your preview URL is rightly configured.
  • Reach out to your dev or security team to modify your website security configuration.​​

How to determine the problem area when troubleshooting

Patterns when it's a setup issue

  1. Some parts of the Experiences UI is rendering but nothing has changed in specific parts where you expected changes.
  2. Some parts of the Experiences UI is rendering but other parts, such as your frontend application being rendered in the canvas, is not being displayed at all.
  1. Your application renders behaves and renders correctly locally.
  2. Your application renders and behaves correctly in the Experiences UI, but then some action causes the Experiences UI to crash.
  3. The canvas interaction does not behave the way it should.
  4. The layers tab or sidebar does not behave the way it should.
  5. If your application is inconsistent between what is being rendered locally versus the Experiences UI canvas. Particularly if you've double checked the elements in the browser console to verify the css attributes and values.

Patterns when it's a frontend application issue

  1. If your application does not render locally.
  2. If your application has bugs or inconsistencies locally.
  3. If the Experiences canvas itself prints out errors that you would see in the terminal. Frontend application error