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Troubleshoot connection error

After the preview URL is set up, the Experiences canvas might display a “Your website refused to connect” message.

Connection error

This can happen if:

  • Your project server is not running.
  • Your project is running on the wrong port.
  • Your preview URL is wrongly configured.
  • Your website has a strict security configuration (Security Header or Content Security Policy (CSP)), which prevents other websites from embedding it.

To troubleshoot this:

  • Ensure that the project is running and on the correct port.
  • Confirm if your preview URL is rightly configured.
  • Reach out to your dev or security team to modify your website security configuration.​​

How to determine the problem area when troubleshooting

Below are described some patterns to help you determine the potential problem area whenever an issue arises:

  • A setup issue:
    • Some parts of the Experiences UI are rendering but nothing has changed in specific parts where you expected changes.
    • Some parts of the Experiences UI are rendering but other parts, such as your frontend application rendered in the canvas, aren't displayed at all.
  • Experiences UI- or SDK-related issue:
    • Your application renders behaves and renders correctly locally.
    • Your application renders and behaves correctly in the Experiences UI, but then some action causes the Experiences UI to crash.
    • The canvas interaction doesn't behave as expected.
    • The layers tab or sidebar doesn't behave as expected.
    • Your application is inconsistent between what is being rendered locally versus the Experiences UI canvas. Particularly, if you've double-checked the elements in the browser console to verify the CSS attributes and values.
  • A frontend application issue:
    • Your application doesn't render locally.
    • Your application has bugs or inconsistencies locally.
    • The Experiences canvas itself prints out errors that you see in the terminal. Frontend application error