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Register custom breakpoints


When working in an experience, you can change your design based on your user's screen width. With breakpoints, we define at what screen width a user sees a different design. In Experiences, there are the following default breakpoints:

Breakpoint name Screen width
All Sizes Any
Tablet Less than 992px
Mobile Less than 576px

However, if the default breakpoints do not cover your needs, you can register custom breakpoints.

Create custom breakpoints

Breakpoint object

A breakpoint object must contain the following properties:

Property Value type Description
id String Must be a unique value.
query String Defines the range of viewport sizes that are targeted by this breakpoint using either < or >. The first breakpoint must have a wild card query.
previewSize String Defines the size of the canvas in the experience editor to test the view for this breakpoint. Make sure that this value is covered by the query.
displayName String Is displayed as a breakpoint label in the experience editor.
displayIcon String Possible values: desktop, tablet, mobile. We plan to support more breakpoint display icons in the future.

Update an experience with a custom breakpoint

To add a custom breakpoint and update your experience to it:

  1. Register a custom breakpoint.

To set up custom breakpoints, use the defineBreakpoints function and provide an array of breakpoint objects. The first breakpoint covers all sizes and must include a wildcard query (*). Breakpoints follow a desktop-first approach, so list them from largest to smallest pixel value, as shown below.

import { defineBreakpoints } from '@contentful/experiences-sdk-react';

    id: 'desktop',
    query: '*',
    displayName: 'All Sizes',
    previewSize: '100%',
    id: 'tablet',
    query: '<992px',
    displayName: 'Tablet',
    previewSize: '820px',
    id: 'mobile',
    query: '<576px',
    displayName: 'Mobile',
    previewSize: '390px',
  1. For an existing experience: update your experience with a custom breakpoint. To apply the custom breakpoint to your existing experience, de-select all the components in the canvas, then go to the Design tab of the right sidebar and click Update breakpoints.
    For newly created experiences, the updated breakpoints apply automatically.

Experiences update breakpoints